Autism Study Uses Twins To Pin Down Genetic/Enviroment Links

California Institute says twins are the perfect subjects for this type of study.

2 Comments to “Autism Study Uses Twins To Pin Down Genetic/Enviroment Links”

  1. Indications are there that VitD genes (therefore hours in sunlight), immunity genes (infections or vaccines) and environmental toxins (factors in water, herbicides, pesticides, cleaning agents, toxic waste sites) and diet (modern diet ingredients like corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup replacing ancient, time tested sugar) and other unknown factors together or in some combination with de novo mutations (new mutations for example those in older fathers) may contribute to rising Autism Spectrum Disorder and Allergy including severe allergy. The sooner we find answers, the faster we can begin community wide prevention programs with innovative solutions that adapt to our modern life styles.

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